Margaret Skabar attends international peace conference in Sarajevo beginning Friday.

Skabar Headed to Peace Conference in Sarajevo
Amherst News: The Citizen Record
Cumberland News
Darrell Cole
Published on June 04, 2014
To commemorate anniversary of First World War
Margaret Skabar is attending an international peace conference in Sarajevo beginning Friday.
AMHERST – A young peacemaker from Cumberland County is on her way to attend an international peace conference this week.
Margaret Skabar is a 21-year old St. Francis Xavier student from Amherst. She will be attending Sarajevo Peace Event 2014.
The conference is taking place from June 6 to 9 in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and is one of the largest peace conferences in the world to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War.
The conference is taking place from June 6 to 9 in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and is one of the largest peace conferences in the world to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War.
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire is one of the key note speakers and the program includes more than 200 sessions.
Skabar is pursuing a major in psychology and a minor in political science. She became involved in the peace movement three years ago when she worked at Thinkers Lodge in Pugwash.
“I was fortunate enough to learn about the history of Pugwash's role in international peacemaking and it changed my life,” said Skabar.
While working at Thinker’s Lodge, Skabar observed some of the sessions of the Canadian Pugwash conference. She later joined the Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace.
She will be joining Tamara Lorincz, a board director of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, at the conference.
Lorincz is from Nova Scotia but is currently pursuing the Rotary International World Peace Fellowship in the United Kingdom.
Skabar’s trip to Sarajevo Peace Event 2014 is funded by the St. Francis Xavier University and by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.
Sarajevo Peace Event of 2014 will mark the anniversary of the First World War that started after the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo in June 1914. Less than two months later the First World War began and killed millions before ending in November 1918.
The conference will call for a global culture of peace and non-violence. More than 50 organizations across Europe have coordinated to organize the conference with over a thousand delegates expected to attend.
There will be round table discussions on developing a culture of peace and non-violence, gender, women and peace, militarism and alternatives, peace and social justice and reconciliation and dealing with the past.
The conference will include some 200 workshops and a wide range of cultural activities.