The second Pugwash Conference, 1958, was held in Lac Beauport, Canada from March 31 until April 11. The focus was "The Dangers of the Present Situation and Ways and Means of Diminishing Them. [material contributed by William Higinbotham]
Pugwash Literature Review by Paul Robinson April 2019The Changing Role of Science in Foreign Policy (makes references to agreements related to the Pugwash conferences). Role of Pugwash/Credibility/Communism/Funding w ref to Cyrus Eaton as funder of conferences and then Conferences disassociating themselves from controversial Eaton
The following photographs were scanned by William Higinbotham after he found an envelop that Cyrus Eaton's C & O had mailed to his father of the photographs showing the participants of the 1958 Pugwash Conference relaxing at Loc Beauport. The originals are kept in the Cyrus Eaton archives at Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio.