Media Coverage and Pertinent Articles on Climate Change Conference in Pugwash
We Can All Make a Difference in The Pilot by Karen Wells [email protected]
Published: Oct. 6, 2017
Article about Gordon Slade and Newfoundland and Labrador's Plans to Tackle Climate Change
Published: Oct. 6, 2017
Article about Gordon Slade and Newfoundland and Labrador's Plans to Tackle Climate Change
Mi’kmaq activist calls for broad alliance using treaty rights to fight climate change
The New Wark Times: News from the Margins Posted October 2, 2017
By Bruce Wark - review of three-day conference on Climate Change at Thinkers Lodge, focusing on Mi'kmac guidance, Leon de Breede's work as sustainability planner for Bridgewater, and historical significance of Thinkers Lodge 1957 Conference on Nuclear Disarmament 60 years ago
Chris Ordenberger Of PEI is interviewed about participants and focus of the Climate Change Conference at Thinkers Lodge. Listen to interview - CBC
Other articles of interest sent by some of our Thinkers:
An indictment of the Federal Gov’t on Climate Change and why the local community level is important
An article on Climate Change impacts on coastal communities
An article suggested to consider as a framework for a regional climate change movement structure - "we need to entertain new narratives that allow us to imagine new drivers of governance, production and culture"
An indictment of the Federal Gov’t on Climate Change and why the local community level is important
An article on Climate Change impacts on coastal communities
An article suggested to consider as a framework for a regional climate change movement structure - "we need to entertain new narratives that allow us to imagine new drivers of governance, production and culture"