Bertrand Russell & Cyrus Eaton 3 -- The 1960s Correspondence and papers by Russell
Russell Early History of Pugwash 1963
1. Bertrand Russell: Will he See His Pugwash Goals Reached? London Observer News Service (undated) Review of Russell’s evolving ideas on Russia, the atomic bomb, WWI, WWII, and his role in the Pugwash Conferences.
2. Bertrand Russell: An Enigma. The London Observer. 1961. From free love to ban the bomb. A humanist who doesn’t understand politics.
3. War and Atrocity in Vietnam by Bertrand Russell and Russell D. Stetler, Jr., from Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.Provides background of conflict, US use of deadly chemicals and efforts to stop elections, Russell’s 1963 letters to stop conflict. A cruel dirty war. (52 pages). Uses info from direct sources and newspapers.
4. A New Approach to Peace by Bertrand Russell: utilize two foundations: disarmament and peace, territorial adjustments. Educating children not to admire nationalism at the expense of internationalism. The problems of East & West Germany must be solved. The foundation can with proper resources be the entity that brokers peace. (9 pages; Missing page 7)
5. The Struggle Must Go On by Bertrand Russell; Acceptance Speech of the Committee’s Tom Paine Award. January 1963. Laments the concentration of power in so few people and exhorts individuals to choose freedom while expressing abhorrence at how so many are annihilated around the world.
6. Next Crisis: Berlin by Martin Hall: Review of background of problems in Berlin and depicts the reality of the divided city (relates to Russell’s discussion of East and West Berlin.
7. Russell invites Cyrus and Anne Eaton to rescheduled Moscow Pugwash Conferences, Sept 15, 1960.
8. Cyrus Eaton to Russell about Prof Rabinowich, Glass, Brown, Doty & Weisner renouncing Eaton via letters to NY Herald and Washington Post based on misrepresented news reports that said that all scientists had renounced Eaton due to his affliations with Russia. Eaton claims he will make no reply because misstatements are unimportant in comparison with task of building a peaceful world.
9. Russell letter to Eaton and telegram response about Cyrus and Anne Eaton coming to Moscow
Pugwash Conf Nov 14 & 21, 1960 |
10. "Perils" of Pugwash, May 30, 1961, The Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, CA Are Pugwash conferences
designed to weaken will of Western scientists to resist Soviet Aggression, or are both Russia and US using negative prograganda (brainwashing) or is there way to halt hysteria and increase contact between East and West, where they can curb suspicions and continue conferences Eaton advocated for? |
11. Bigoted and Benighted, the Editorial Pate, Financial Post, June 3, 196/ -denounces Congressman's Dodd's ignorant paranoia about the Pugwash Conferences and quotes Eisenhower's science advisor, "Such meetings can result in more understanding between men than all the official talks at Geneva."
12. Eaton and Russell write condemnation ofDodd's attach ouPugwash June 2 & June 5, 1961
13. Russell Atom Rally is Banned in Britain by Drew Middleton, The New York Times, Sept 14, 1963,
British gov banned massive demonstration against the atomic bomb. Russell at 89 was jailed for 7 days. Bertrand issued his plea against atomic arms through The Committee of 100. Telegram from Eaton congratulating Russell on his defiance. |
14. A Message from Bertrand Russell on Entering Prison for Opposing Thermonuclear War, Sept 11-18, 1961 in l F Stone's Weekly, Washington DC. The people Qfthe world and the art, knowledge, and life on the planet will be decimated by a few powerful leaders in the East and West. Six pages of Stone's Weekly looking at countries around the world and reaction to nuclear peril and resistance to it.
15. Eaton to Russell-US Senator Dodd, arch proponent of Cold War, attacks Pugwash scientists, and
6000 copies of his attack are published, Oct 31, 1961 |
16. Russell to Eaton: Forceful letter describing efforts to oppose resumption of atmospheric tests: personal protests to Soviet and American Embassies, rally in Trafalgar Square and planned demonstration to
occupy Parliament Square. "the brutal hypocrisy of those governments in power who prepare mass murder. We must join hands as before in creatng a truly international movement of mass resistance." March 17 1963. Eaton applauds Russell's statement "Has Man a Future?!" |
17. Draft of cable sent to Russell re Kennedy's Speech on March 2, 1962 on Resuming Nuclear tests."
Specific quotes that demonstrate Kennedy's belief in important ofresuming dropping bombs as tests. |
18. Ralph Schoenman letter to ANNE Eaton thanking her for coming on short notice and giving account of Women's delegation to Geneva. The Russells were delighted with your visit. Please help us celebrate Russell's 90th birthday.
19. Correspondence between ANNE Eaton and Bertrand Russell and Sonnet Anne wrote for Bertrand's 90th birthday.
20. Eaton to Russe.. re Kennedy 1962 Resuming Nuclear Testing