Revised Index with brief annotated descriptions and live links -revised Dec 27, 2016
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SEARCH: Type in name, event, or title of article in Search Space at top of right of website
This index (with live links) should help you find documents, photographs, or interviews of interest. It correlates with the menu at the top of the home page. At bottom of this page is detailed list of articles within each section.
NOTE - Still adding live links
Cyrus Eaton
Anne Kinder Eaton
Joseph Rotblat & Nobel Peace Prize
Bertrand Russell & Russell-Einstein Manifesto
1957 Pugwash Conference Proceedings and Participants
Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs - Articles & Activities
Strangest Dream & Documentaries
Thinkers Lodge, Lobster Factory, Staff House, Margaret King School
Hiroshima and Peace Movement
Nobel Peace Prize
Peace Movements - World
Pugwash Students Contribute to Thinkers Lodge & Peace Movement
Staff/Volunteers (1940s to 2016) Share Stories
Explore News Issues
Yuri Gagarin Visits Pugwash
For Educators
Nova Scotia Curriculum Outcomes
International Human Rights Principals
COMING: Sample Lesson plans
Peace Ground March
Students Interview People Significant to Thinkers Lodge
Students Build Wheelchair Ramp
Fire Fighters & Villagers Save Thinkers Lodge
Students Build Benches
Students Paint Gate House
2015 Prom
2014 Prom
C. Eaton Addresses Prom Students
Thinkers Lodge
Lobster House/Dining Hall
Empress Hotel Burns Cyrus Eaton builds park for Pugwash
Donald McKay Clipper Ship Builder
Jay O'Callahan Story Telling
Gathering of the Clans
Canada Day - 2015
Photographs celebrating Thinkers Lodge
Photographs of People Interviewed
Cyrus Eaton (born in Pugwash, industrialist hosted conferences at Thinkers Lodge)
photographs, biographical information, homes lived, articles written by Eaton, interviews
Anne Eaton (photographs, early years, writings, Sandy Butcher describes Anne's contributions)
Joseph Rotblat/Nobel Peace Prize
speeches, biography, interviews, resources, videos
Bertrand Russell
-1957 transcript of address to Pugwash Conference Attendees
Einstein-Russell Manifesto
link to Anne Eaton’s description of 1957 Conference
1957 Pugwash Conferences Proceeding and Conference Participants
(161 pages edited by Joseph Rotblat of proceedings and essays from 1957 conference)
Pugwash Conferences of Science and World Affairs
The Strangest Dream (90 min) on Joseph Rotblat, the history of nuclear weapons, survivors of Hiroshima, Cyrus Eaton, Einstein, and Russell by Eric Bednarski
Mike Wallace Interview with Cyrus Eaton
Link to Prophet from Pugwash on Cyrus Eaton
Anne Eaton Taped Observations of 1957 Conference
Pugwash President Jayantha Dhanapala
Thinkers Lodge
(photographs of Pineo Lodge transformation to B & B to Thinkers Lodge);
brief description, and unveiling of National Historic Site plaque
Restoration of Thinkers Lodge – A National Historic Site
Firefighters and Villagers Save Thinkers Lodge during fire of 1995
Architect Andrew Cobb
Rug Hookers Restore Damaged Rugs
Hooked Rugs at Thinkers Lodge: Deanne Fitzpatrick's rug
Lobster Factory/Dining Hall
Transformation: photographs & transformation history
from 1922 Frank Allan Lobster Factory to Pagweak Tearoom to Dining Hall (aka Lobster Factory)
Transformation of Empress Hotel to Eaton Park after Great Fires
Empress Hotel/Eaton Park
Margaret King School (1928-1929)
High School Built by Cyrus Eaton and designed by Andrew Cobb; interview with students who attended
Nobel Peace Prize
Peace Movements World
Dawn of the Peace Movement by Yoshifumi Fukushima (1995)
Recounting atomic bombing of Hiroshima & First Pugwash Conference in 1957 and Dr. Ogawa’s focus on radiation and nuclear disarmament & connection to Einstein
John Hershey's Hiroshima
Mayors for Peace
Dr. Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, on "Nuclear-Free World from the Cities" July 7, 2007
Pugwash Students Contribute to Thinkers Lodge and World Peace
Pugwash Students
Peace Park, Prom, Cedar Benches, Ramp to Lobster Factory, Gate House Painting
Interviews conducted by students
STAFF: Oral History Interview Project -
Interviews with wait staff, chefs, drivers, firefighters, Thinkers Lodge managers, people who billeted attendees
Interview Links -- People Who Worked at Lodge or Contributed - See Staff Below
Explore News Events Related to Thinkers Lodge & Peace – to be ADDED
Recent Articles and Speeches
Nagasaki - Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs - conference overview
How Will the Next Generation Change Disarmament - Poul-Erik Christiansen
Sandy Boucher "External Threats to Humanity"
50th Anniversary Pugwash Meeting
Mayors for Peace Vision
Yuri Gagarin
Russian cosmonaut visits Pugwash after circling globe)- photographs and visit
Donald McKay/Clipper Ships (photographs and summary of his shipbuilding career)
Family Connection with Cyrus; biography)
Cyrus Eaton
See also Anne Eaton (Cyrus' wife) _
Charles Aubrey Eaton (Cyrus's uncle)_
Eva Webb (Cyrus's sister who resided in Pugwash)
Florence Eaton (Cyrus's Sister)
Joseph Wilfred Eaton (Cyrus's younger brother)
Pugwash 1968 Eaton Family Reunion - Descendants of Stephen & Mary Eaton
Photographs (Formal & Informal Photographs of Cyrus Eaton)
Eaton Homes (Photographs & Commentary)
Anne Eaton writes about Cyrus Eaton’s Early Years and her own early years
Back to Pugwash by Patrick Boyer (2003) - a history of Cyrus Eaton, Pugwash Conferences, Russell & Rotlat
Beautiful upon the Mountains: A Portrait of Cyrus Eaton by M. Allen Gibson
The Boy from Pugwash: An Unpublished Biography of Cyrus Eaton by Fred Knelman (1962): 11 chapters covering early years, the rise of a business tycoon, his interactions with communist leaders, and especially his enduring relationship w/ Pugwash & the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.
Biography of Cyrus Eaton from Western Reserve Historical Society by Betty Royan
Introduction to Biography Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton (1883-1979) by John Barden For the American Philosophical Association
Introduction to Biography Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton as a Lad by Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton's Childhood by Quintin Merlin
Cyrus Eaton Biography in Who's News and Why Current Biography, July 1948
John Eaton on Cyrus Eaton
John Eaton A Place to Think: Preserving Thinkers Lodge for the Future by Carol Moreira,
Nova Scotia Open to The World, Autumn 2011
Cathy Eaton on Cyrus Eaton and Nova Scotia
The World of Cyrus Eaton by Marcus Gleisser (Foreword by Louis Stokes), 2005,
Kent State Press (an unauthorized biography of Cyrus Eaton)
Interview: Mike Wallace Interviews Cyrus Eaton
The Prophet from Pugwash -- a documentary about Cyrus Eaton- by CBC
The Strangest Dream by Eric Bednarski is the story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the
Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a
decision based on moral grounds. (90 minute
Magazine Articles, Addresses and Papers by Cyrus Eaton
Address of Cyrus Eaton to Third Pugwash Conference, Vienna, Austria, Sept 20, 1958
Address of Cyrus to Second Pugwash Conference, Lac BeauPort, Canada
Canada's Choice: Leadership or Annihilation? by Cyrus Eaton, Annual Dinner Meeting of The Canadian
Manufacturers' Association, June 9, 1959
A Capitalist Looks At Labor by Cyrus Eaton, April 1, 1947, University of Chicago Law Review
Chesapeak and Ohio Railroad Shareholder Address by Cyrus Eaton, April 22, 1958
(discusses need to stop investing in weapons of defense)
Cleveland's Fundamental Position in the American Business Scene by Cyrus Eaton The Clevelander,
March 1954
Cyrus Eaton Calls on U.S. to End Its Boycott of Cuba by Cyrus Eaton,
Los Angeles Times, February 21, 1974
Disarmament and Societ-American Relations by Cyrus Eaton, 1961, Internatinal Affairs Magazine,
Do We Really Want World War III -- The War That Will End the World Address by Cyrus Eaton
The City Club of Cleveland, December 13, 1958
The Engineer as Philosopher and Citizen - Lecture by Cyrus Eaton at Massachusetts Institue of Technology
Lecture Series, Kresge's Auditorium, Cambridge, MA, November 16, 1961
Final Impressions and Conclusions of a Long and busy Life by Cyrus Eaton at Meeting of Friends of
McMaster Alumni Association, April 13, 1972
Financial Democracy by Cyrus Eaton, February 1941, University of Chicago Law Review
Fission, Fusion, and Sputnik: Time for a New Look at International Relations- Address by Cyrus Eaton,
Meeting of the Canadian Club of Montreal, Feb 10, 1958
Greetings from Eaton to Soviet Deputy Premier Mikoyan, 1959
An Industrialist Looks at Communism by Cyrus Eaton (his impressions of USSR after visiting) 1959
Investment Banking -- Competition, or Decadence by Cyrus Eaton, Feb 2, 1944, Financial World
Is the Globe Big Enough for Both Capitalism and Communism? by Cyrus Eaton, Nov 24, 1958,
The Economic Club of Detroit
Is the GLobe Big Enough for Capitalism & Communism by Cyrus Eaton printed in The commercial & Financial
Chronicle, Dec 4, 1958
A Lay Critique Looks at the Press in the Nuclear Age, Address of Cyrus Eaton at Presentation of Bowater
Awards of Journalism, Rideau Club, Ottawa, Canada, Oct 21, 1960 - Eaton chastises the American press
for biased converage and urges them to play a role to lead the way from nucler disaster to richer
matierial and spiritual life. He suggests volunteers of community members to serve as press critiques.
Let's Meet the Soviets Half-Way by Cyrus S. Eaton, 1957 The Herald Tribune, also published in book
called Can We Meet the Russians Halfway by Chaimers M. Roberts, 1958, Doubleday (pages 91-94)
My Life Is A Failure - "Promoting Peace but Finding World In Struggle to Destroy Itself, May 24, 1965
by Cyrus Eaton, Economic Club of Detroit at Cobo Hall, Michigan - A Discouraged Report on Recent Trips
and Increased Tension Between East & West (related to Vietnam, Russia, China, USA and Europe) alll
countries against US involvement in Vietnam and not understanding why US won't trade with them.
A New Plan to Re-Open the US Capital Market by Cyrus Eaton, Finance Magazine, January 25, 1945
The Physican as Philosopher and Citizen, Address by Cyrus Eaton, at 50th Annual Banquet of Hippocratic
Society, University of Western Ontario, London,Ontario, Canada, January 13, 1961
(Eaton Challenged the physicians to save mankind from nuclear annihilation)
The Professor Talks to Himself by Cyrus Eaton The Antioch Review 1942
Progress in Cuba, Letter to the Editor from Cyrus Eaton, The New York Times, January 27, 1976
Rockefeller and Harper: Recollections and Reflections by Cyrus Eaton at the University of Chicago Board of
Trustees Meeting (July 11, 1973)
Summary of Address of Cyrus Eaton at the 50th Annual Banquet of Hippocratic Society
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, Jan 13, 1961 (Eaton Challenged the physicians to save
mankind from nuclear annihilation)
Time for a New Look at International Relations by Cyrus Eaton, The Commericial and Financial Chronicle,
Feb 20, 1958 (Address before Canadian Club) Eaton claims "the moral chain reaction touched off by the
Pugwash manifesto may affect the future of mankind as profoundly as the famous first nuclear chain
reaction. He urges Canada to play role in bringing accord between the Russia & US in their cold war
escalation of arms & competition.
Saturday Evening Post 1940 article submitted by Cyrus Eaton (rejected) -Eaton laments the centralization
of banks and insurance power on Wall Street and advocates for a decentralized approach.
We Give the Kids too Much by Cyrus Eaton December 1950 in The American
Magazine Articles about Cyrus Eaton
A Blow For Peace, The Ottawa Citizen, Dec 29, 1958 (Cyrus Eaton 75th birthday)
A Day with Squire Eaton, (No Dude Farmer), The Plain Dealer, November 4, 1972
An Old Advocate by Bruce West, The Globe and Mail, June 26, 1973
Anti-Red Probers Take on a Capitalist by Hal Levy, Newsday Long Island, May 28, 1958
(The House un-American Activities Committee takes on Cyrus Eaton)
The Battle of Cleveland, Forbes Magazine, April 15, 1967 (battle between Eaton and Cleveland Trust Co)
Capitalist & Commissar, Time Magazine, Sept 15, 1958
(Visit to Moscow)
Carl Stokes Writes about Cyrus Eaton
Communists’ Capitalist by E. J. Kahn, Jr. New Yorker Magazine Oct 10 & 17, 1977
Cyrus Eaton 1883-1979 by John Palanyi, University of Toronto, October 1979, The Bulletin of American
Scientists 7
Cyrus Eaton and Acadia, The Shorthorn World, August 15, 1969
Cyrus Eaton Sees Great Challenge to Mankind by Cyrus Eaton Detroit Times, Jan 19, 1958
(Our biggest challenge is to learn to live with one another in a climate of honorable peace)
Cyrus (and his millions) v Edgar (and his G-men) News Chronicle, London, Eng, June 18, 1958
Cyrus Eaton Assumes C&O Chairmanship, Tracks, February-March 1954
Cyrus Eaton at 75 Takes Up Mantle of Peace-Maker by J.A. Hume, Citizen, Dec. 1957
Cyrus Eaton: The Communists' Best Capitalist Friend by Connecticut Walker, December 5, 1971 in
Parade,Oakland Tribune
Cyrus Eaton gifts Pugwash Junction $10,000 for school in 1928
Cyrus Eaton-The Bouncing Billionaire by Booton Herndon in True The Man's Magazine, 1958
Cyrus Eaton: The Communists' Best Capitalist Friend by Connecticut Walker, December 5, 1971 in
Parade, Oakland Tribune
Cyrus Eaton's Hideaway for Brains by Ian Sclanders in Maclean's, Caanada's National Magazine,
October 27, 1956
Cyrus Eaton Suggests It--Rapport With Cuba, Chicago Sun-Times, January 13, 1969
Cyrus Stephen Eaton to be Doctor of Laws, 1968
"Eaton urges the need to trade not fight with the Communists."
The Diplomatic Capitalist by Jay Miller in Cleveland 1796-1996
Eaton , at 95, Backs China Trade, The New York Times, December 28, 1978
Eaton, Capitalist Peacemonger by Richard H. Smith, The Milwaukee Journal, May 25, 1958
(Push to avoid destroying the world with nuclear bombs, US becoming police state & peace conf)
Eaton Visits Castro, Accepts Bid to Cuba, The Cleveland Press, Sept 28, 1960
Eaton: Castro Wants Better US Ties by Edward A. O'Neill, The Washington Post, February 12, 1974
Eaton Is Empire Builder by Al Ostrow & Bill Tanner, The Cleveland Press, Feb 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26,
1955 (only have cover page. Need to search for articles)
Eaton Says US-Cuba Ties Could Be Resumed Soon by H. J. Maidenberg, NY Times, Feb 12, 1974
Editorial analysis by Julian Krawcheck on public change in reaction to Cyrus Eaton's message of neccesity to
find common grounds with USSR and not destroy the world, Dec 16, 1958
Eighty-Four Years for Cleveland's Cyrus Eaton, The Clevelander, December 1967
Embattled Individualist, Fortune Magazine, July 1958
Ike, Khrush Urged to End War Threat, The Cincinnati Post and Times Star, October 31, 1958
("Exchange Visits, Not Letters, Eaton Pleads)
Industrialist Cyrus Eaton Is Farmer First by Marc D. Gleisser, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1961
Khrushchev’s Favorite Capitalist by Jay Miller
Kosygin Daughter Visits Eaton Northfield Farmby George J. Barmann, The Plain Dealer,
September 14, 1970
Loved and Hated: Eaton: One-Man Sage of Changing Fortunes in Business and Politics by Robert G.
McGruder, The Plain Dealer, January 1, 1977
The Man in the Tower by George E. Condon
The Man in the Tower, part two by George E. Condon
Military Spending Perils U.S. Finances, Eaton Warns Nixon by Dick Pergler, Cleveland press,
November 14, 1969
The Great Dipper (Personna Grata), Saturday Night, December 10, 1955
(Portrait of Cyrus Eaton and exploration of his business accomplishments and successes)
Peace Begins in Pugwash by Margaret Eaton ( a brief look at Cyrus Eaton, the Pugwash movement and
several poems by Margaret Eaton)
Reverard Cyus Eaton becomes pastor at Lakewood Baptist Church, 1906 (in The Lakewood Ledger)
Right to Criticize Reprisal: Fight Against U.S. Senators by Max Freedman, the Manchester Guardian,
May 22,1958 (Eaton criticizes Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Strange Passages Time Magazine, 1930 Time Magazine Cover, 1930
A Visit with Cyrus Eaton (The Private Life of a Controversial Tycoon), October 8, 1966 in Star Weekly
What It's Like When the Krushchevs Say 'Come to Tea" by Jean Campbell, The Evening STandard,
Dec 8, 1960
When Kosygin Dropped In by L. D. Wicker, The Atlantic-Advocate, August 1967
(Eaton meets Kosygin in Newfoundland)
The Whiphand of Cyrus Eaton in Finance, April, 1966, (A look at wealth, mergers, power, and
unfavorable/favorable public opinions. Note cover photograph of Eaton is by Yousuf Karsh
Cyrus Eaton Awarded Lenin Peace Prize in Pugwash
Lenin Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
Nikita Khrushchev and Cyrus Eaton
Address of Cyrus Eaton at Luncheon Honoring Nikita S. Khrushchev, New York 1960
Address by the Honorable Cyrus Eaton, Chamber of Commerce Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri
Nov 5, 1958 -- Eaton recounts visit to Russia, meeting Khruschev, and visiting industries, Khruschev is in
sympathy with findings of Pugwash conferences He describes Khrushchev as advocate for peace.
Letter to Cyrus from Pugwash Community -1957
Ruth Murray Rushton Remembers Cyrus Eaton
"All We Want Is the Truth as We See It," by Herb Lock, The Washington Post, June 16, 1958
"It's Okay to Criticize eisenhower, Nixon, Dulles etc but NOT J. Edgar Hover," The Providence Journal,
May 23, 1958
Articles and Statements by Cyrus Eaton listed chronologically
Note: This list was filed in Cyrus Eaton Papers and not all articles or statements are available on this website. However, it gives a researcher names and dates of where to look in the papers to locate the material. CLE
ANNE EATON (1922-1992)
Photographs: Early Years
Photographs: Later Years
Anne Eaton on 1957 Pugwash Conference –letter to her father Judge Kinder
describing the participants’ arrival, thawing, and establishing trust
“Women of the First Pugwash Conference” by Sandy Boucher (Role of Anne Eaton & Ruth Adams)
“Czechs Celebrate Liberation From Nazis
“Did Woodrow Wilson Help Ho?” (2 pages)
Letter to Her Father About Seeing Neurological Specialists in Bulgaria
“Munich 1977” (Discussing Pugwash Conference)
“Political Humor Saves Hungarians”
“Soviets Contrast LBJ, FDR Views” 1965 (2 pages)
Anne Eaton’s Commencement Address - Hathaway Brown School
(1970) (8 pages)
JOSEPH ROTBLAT (1908-2005)
1995 Nobel Lecture – “Remember Your Humanity” Joseph Rotblat Nobel
Peace Prize:
Joseph Rotblat telling his life story to Katherine Thompson (AUDIO)
First of 40 audio oral history recordings made by the British Library.
These 1999-2000 recordings feature, the interviewer. As Rotblat never wrote an autobiography, this is an invaluable resource for anyone researching Rotblat’s life and the history of Pugwash. Links to the rest of recordings in series are provided.
“Dear Professor” (VIDEO) includes quotes from Joseph Rotblat interspersed with
young people from around the world reading the Russell-Einstein Manifesto
“The Elimination of War a Necessity for Humankind” (VIDEO LECTURE)– Joseph
Rotblat at Taplow Court, 1997 (72 minutes) Obligation to contain threat of nuclear
destruction, seek peace, and eliminate war
Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash and Nuclear Weapons YouTube (4 minutes) –
Joseph Rotblat Shares “Steps to a Safer World” YouTube The Strangest Dream –
Trailer (2 minutes)
Joseph Rotblat AUDIO– Voices of Science, British Library – excerpt – on his reasons
for working on the atom bomb
Thinking Beyond Nuclear Weapons - Interview with Joseph Rotblat at the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue - 1997
Vega Science Trust interview (video) with ex-BBC Horizon producer Edward
Goldwyn and scientist and Nobel Laureate Harry Kroto (2002)
“Jo Rotblat: Pragmatic Dreamer,” presentation by Sandra Ionno Butcher, director, Pugwash History Project, to British Pugwash, 8 February 2012.
“Joseph Rotblat: The Road Less Traveled” by Susan Landau, Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists 52, no. 1 (January/February 1996), pp 46-54.
Joseph Rotblat: Visionary for Peace edited by R. Braun, R. Hinde, D. Krieger, H. Kroto,
S. Milne. (Wiley, 2007) Contributions from many Pugwashites Around the World.
Joseph Rotblat – Voices of Science, British Library – AUDIO excerpt – on his
reasons for working on the atom bomb
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The Life and Work of Joseph Rotblat by Andrew
Brown Oxford University Press, 2012.
“Open letter to my son on the death of Joseph Rotblat,” by Sandra Ionno Butcher, Director, Pugwash History Project, 5 September 2005.
Obituary Joseph Rotblat (The Guardian, Sept 2, 2005)
The Strangest Dream, a 90-minute documentary (available to view online) about Jo Rotblat from the National Film Board of Canada (2008), directed by Eric Bednarski.
Q & A session about Strangest Dream)
Rotblat Timeline - Powerpoint by Sandy Butcher
Online collection of over one hundred books and articles by Bertrand Russell.
For a complete list of Russell’s books and articles see our online Russell bibliography. For a chronology of his life, go here, and for an introduction to his analytic philosophy go here.
Bertrand Russell Resources Available Online
Bertrand Russell Chronology -
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Russell Einstein Manifesto - text
Press Release of Einstein-Russell Manisfesto - 15 minutes also with slide show and cartoons
Origins of the Russell-Einstein Manfesto by Sandy Butcher (2005)
__Revisiting the Russell-Einstein Manifesto: Prescription for Our Future by Sandy Butcher, March 2014 -
Bertrand Russell -1957 transcript of address to Pugwash Conference Attendees & link to Anne Eaton’s description of conference - a statement by Bertrand Russell, is transcribed from a tape prepared by him for the first Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, July 7-10, 1957. In this message, Russell, whose age and frail health prevented him from undertaking the journey to Pugwash, outlined to the conferees the background of the manifesto, issued by him, Einstein and nine other world-renowned scientists, which had led to the Pugwash meeting. He also sets forth, with the clarity and wit typical of Russell, his hopes and expectations for their work and for what was eventually to become known as the Pugwash Movement.
Bertrand Russell - 8 minute Broadcast from London BBC opening the 1957 Pugwash Conference: Good accompanying slideshow
Read Bertrand Russell’s press conference - 1957 - address to Scientists Attending Pugwash Conference
Bertrand Russell Message to the Future (two minutes Youtube)
Bertrand Russell Man’s Future and Philosophy, Coronet Films with Woodrow Wyatt, 1960
Bertrand Russell – Ban the Bomb Rally – YouTube - 22 seconds
Death of Bertrand Russell News Report – Morley Safer Feb 3, 1970
Paul McCartney on Meeting Bertrand Russell and his influence on John Lennon
Bertrand Russell - Face to Face Interview (BBC, 1959)
Will There Be a Next Generation in the Fight for Nuclear Nonproliferation” by Poul-Eric Christiansen, July 2015
Proceedings of 1957 Science & World Affairs in Pugwash on Nuclear Disarmament
Origins of Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Rusell-Einstein Manifesto
Brief biographies & photographs of 11 signers of Russell-Einstein Manifesto 1955 and of 22 scientists attending 1957 Conference as well as Cyrus Eaton.
Part One
July 7 - 12, 1957: Published in 1982 on 25th anniversary and edited by Joseph Rotblat
Preface by Joseph Rotblat (p. iii)
Table of Contents (p. v & vi)
Invitation to the Conference (p. )
Letter from Cyrus Eaton (p. 2)
Letter from Bertrand Russell to Joseph Rotblat (pp. 5 - 8)
Draft Letter to Attendees (p. 9-10)
The Participants (pp. 11-13)
The Venue (p. 19)
The Programme (pp. 21-22)
Draft Agenda (pp. 23-25)
1957 Pre-conference Session - July 6th afternoon
Historical account of 1945 and decision to use atom bomb on Japanese cities
Szilard describes his WW II experiences
Szilard proposes questions to be answered during conference
Conference Papers from Committee One - Part One
Nuclear Energy Hazards in War and Peace by Joseph Rotblat (p. 66)
Somatic Hazards from Medical & Other Uses of Radiation by A.M.B. Lacassagne (p. 78)
Potential Hazards of Radiation by H. J. Muller (p. 82)
Conference Papers from Committee One - Part Two
Cont Mueller's Paper on Hazards of Radiation
The Danger of Nuclear Tests for Humanity by A. M Kuzin (p. 88)
Discussion of Radiation Hazards by the Advisotyr Panel to the US Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy by W. Selove (p. 95)
Radiation Studies in Japan by S. Tomonaga (p. 105)
Conference Papers from Committee Two
About Disarmament by E. Rabinowitch (p. 108)
Some Remarks on Nuclear Weapons by M. L. E. Oliphant (p. 118)
Steps to Disarmament by D. V. Skobeltzyn (p. 122)
The Psychological Background by G. Brock Chisholm (p. 125)
Comment on Bomb Tests by J. S. Foster (p. 133)
Conference Papers from Committee Three
The Significance of Our Times and the Social Responsibility of Scientists by C. F. Powell (p. 137)
Proposals Submitted to the Pugwash Conference by E. Rabinowitch (p. 147)
Proposal for the Establishment of an International Centre of Scientists Concerned with the Impact of Science on Public Affairs (p. 147)
Draft Statement of Principles (p. 149)
Draft of an Appeal (p. 152)
Points for a Short document on the Responsibilities of Scientists and the Public (p. 154) drafted by J. Bronwski
The Responsibilities of Scientists byChou Pei-Yuan (p. 156)
The Responsbilitiy of Scientists by H. Thirring (p. 159)
Proclamation of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto Peace Conference by Earl Russell July 9th, 1955 (p. 163)
Back to Pugwash 45 years - Patrick Boyer describes history of the global movement at 53rd World Conference and recounts the beginning in July 1957 and traces its history.
Taking a stand: Exploring the role of the scientist prior to the first PugwashConference on Science and World Affairs, 1957 Article © Sylvia Marie Nickerson, [email protected] for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto Publication forthcoming in 2013 in Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine - CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
Ruth Adams
What Pugwash Means to the World by Sandy Butcher
Back to Pugwash by Patrick Boyer -2003 (Eaton, Conferences, Russell, & Rotblat)
Sandy Butcher "External Threat to Humanity"
Paolo Cotta-Ramusino Pugwash Secretary General Delivers Address in Nagasaki at 70th Anniversary of Dropping of the Nuclear Bomb.
Poul-Erik Christiansen “How Will the Next Generation Champion Disarmament?”
Emma Hansen "From nuclear bombs to killer robots: how amoral technologies become immoral weapons"
53rd Pugwash Conference (Halifax & Pugwash) July 2, 2003 (Summary, Working Reports, and Pugwash Council Statement)
53rd Pugwash Conference in Pugwash Newsletter December 2003
Pugwash Conference Returns to Its Nova Scotia Roots by John Demont,10/15/13 Maclean's
The Peaceable Gypsies by Daniel Lang” December 21, 1963 The New Yorker
Pugwash Conference held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia and the gathering of brilliant scientists and scholars "who were temporarily abandoning their formal studies ... to convene as a kind of parliament with portfolio." The delegates focused on "such topics as atom-free zones, the test-ban treaty, problems of detection, the abolition of delivery systems, and -- the most formidable topic of all -- general and complete disarmament."
Peace and the Scientist by Hans A. Bethe, The Atlantic, August 1960
(The case for ending nuclear tests)
Anne Eaton recorded her impressions of the nuclear scientists who participated in the first Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. At the time Cyrus Eaton was courting her, and they married six months later.
Bertrand Russell address 1957 Pugwash Conference participants from London – slideshow
Mike Wallace Interview with Cyrus Eaton
2014 PeaceMakeHers Workshop on deck of Lobster Factory
Peace and Compassion Institute July/August 2013 youtube
St. Mary Summer's Peace Institue, July 2013 youtube
Thinkers Lodge Peace Institute July 2012 youtube
Thinkers Lodge Peace Institute August 2012 youtube
The Prophet from Pugwash -- a documentary about Cyrus Eaton
Pugwash President Amb. Jayantha Dhanapala promotes the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
The Strangest Dream by Eric Bednarski (90 minutes)
The story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a decision based on moral grounds. The film retraces the history of nuclear weapons, from the first test in New Mexico, to Hiroshima, where we see survivors of the first atomic attack. Branded a traitor and spy, Rotblat went from designing atomic bombs to researching the medical uses of radiation. Together with Bertrand Russell he helped create the modern peace movement, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize
Thinkers Lodge: photographs of Pineo Lodge transformation to B & B to Thinkers Lodge); brief
description, and unveiling of National Historic Site plaque
Photographs 1929 to current
History & Restoration
Richard – painting Thinkers Lodge (2013)
Gary Field – worked on Creda to restore Thinkers Lodge
Andrew Cobb: the architect
'96 Fire: Fire at Thinkers Lodge (Aug 3, 1996) images and stories by firefighters Robert Messenger, Wayne Smith, and Lisa Betts (short audio with L. Betts)
Hooked Rugs Featured in Thinkers Lodge
Deanne Fitzpatrick's "The Three Sisters"
Local Rug Hookers Restore Stair Runners after Thinkers Lodge FireHooked Rugs and World Peace – in Rug Hooking (june/July/Aug 1998) by Sarah Ladd
Rug Hookers – photographs of rugs in the Great Room at Thinkers Lodge
Transformation of Lobster Factory to Dining Hall
Photographs 2010
Frank Allan: Builds Lobster Factory 1922-1929
Pagweak Tea Room 1929
Historic Sibley Tables & Chairs (description of furniture in Lobster Factory and the family who made them)
1980s- Music Venue & Coffee House
Storm Damage 2004
Students Build Ramp for Lobster Factory
Student Donate Cedar Benches to Lobster Factory
Winter 2015 Snow
Thelma Coburn recounts the building and destruction by fire of the Empress Hotel on land that is now Cyrus Eaton park; the story of her family persevering and capturing the spirit of hard-working entrepreneurs
Transformation from Empress Hotel to Cyrus Eaton Park
Photographs 1929 to Present
Pugwash Students Peace Ground Project
The Gate House (AKA the Staff House)
Students help paint The Gate House
Cyrus Eaton built Margaret King School in 1929.
Pat Higgins remembers attending Margaret King School.
Margaret King Web Page
Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima
Obama at Hiroshima
Mayors for Peace Vision
Einstein and the Bomb: an overview of the creation of the bomb, the dropping of the bomb, the quest for nuclear disarmament
Hiroshima Bombing Photo Essay (disturbing images)
Introduction to Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivor - Takahashi
Ground Zero 1945 A Survivor's Story (Hiroshima) Graphic Novel (disturbing images)
Ground Zero 1949 Pictures by Atomic Survivors by John W. Dower INTROHellfire
Wings of Defeat: Documentary about Kamikaze Pilots -order info
Dawn of the Peace Movement - click to read rest of article In the decade following the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, memories of the catastrophe were still fresh in people’s minds. For two-thirds of this period, Japan was under U.S.-led occupation. As a result of the oppression engendered by the occupation, with its deft decrees, the peace movement in Japan arose, led mainly by labor organizations. It was a time of bitter struggle, hardly the dawn of a peace movement. Still, even in those early days, voices in the A-bombed city of Hiroshima did more than utter wishes and prayers, they spoke out against the atomic bombing. This history, which served as a prologue for the subsequent campaigns against A- and H-bombs, should not be forgotten.
Hiroshima by John Hershey in The New Yorker
Mayors for Peace - led by the Mayor of Hiroshima, Mayors around the World United to Promote a Nuclear Free World
50th Anniversary: Pugwash Peace Movement
Dr. Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, on "Nuclear-Free World from the Cities" July 7, 2007
Embattled Cooperation(s): Peaceful Atoms, Pacifist Physicists, and Partisans of Peace in the Early Cold War (1947-1957)
The “Göttingen Manifesto” (German Anti-Nuclear Movement)
Interviews students conducted with people connected to Pugwash Conferences & Thinkers Lodge.
Peace Ground Project
Peace Ground Photos
Peace Ground Speeches
Letter from Secretariat General of Pugwash Conferences
Noreen Gormelly describes collaboration of students and Community in Bloom
Cedar Benches constructed and donated by Pugwash Students
handicapped accessible ramp built by the Pugwash students to the Lobster Factory.
Pugwash Proms: 2014, 2015, and 2016 at lobster Factory
2016 & 2015 & 2014 Interns and Volunteers
Interview Links -- People Who Worked at Thinkers Lodge or Contributed to Lodge
Richard Dittami
Margaret Atwood Pagweak Staff:
Hester Allan & Beryl Adam
Lisa Betts
Sandy Boucher
Paolo Brenciglia
Giovanni Brenciglia
Andrew Brown
Sheila Piers Cambell
Thelma Colburne
Greta Dow
Cathy Eaton
Cathy Eaton prom
John Eaton
John Eaton, 2
Gary Field
Deanne Fitzpatrick
Ralph Fullerton
Vivian Godfree
Noreen Gormally Smiley
Alwin Hillhouse
Donnie Jamieson
Mary Jamieson
Glenda Kent
Glenda Kent 2
Teresa Kewachuk
Sarah Ladd
Roland Cornelius Lockhart
Victor Matheson
Robert Messenger
Gary Mundle
Ruth Murray Ruston
Mabel Schnare
Herb Smith
Terry Smith
Terry Smith 2
Virginia Smith
Wayne Smith
Norma Smith Wrigley
Story Tellers Appreciations of Jay O’Callahan Story-Telling FestivalMaggie Thomas and Charlie Robertson: Mystery SolvedYuri Gagarin (Russian cosmonaut visits Pugwash after circling globe)- photographs and visitFlowers for Gagarin – memories of Gargarin by Sheila Piers Campbell
Donald McKay/Clipper Ships (photographs and summary of his ship building career)
McKay Eaton ConnectionDonald McKay Biography
Gathering of the Clans – 2015- description and photographs
Friends (Websites and brief info)Cathy Eaton Fiction Website
Curse of Pirate Treasure by Cathy Eaton – young adult novel set in Nova Scotia
Snags and Spill by Cathy Eaton: collection of short stories
The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs is pleased to launch its new website
Thinkers Lodge Website, Pugwash, Nova Scotia
Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio
Susan Tooke illustrated B Is For Bluenose
Richard Rudnicki illustrated, wrote and published a children's book Cyrus Eaton: Champion for Peace
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The life and work of Joseph Rotblat by Andrew Brown
Louise Cloutier offers art instruction, workshops, and art socials in the community of Pugwash
Wild Caraway Restaurant in Advocate Harbour
Margaret King School Photo Gallery
Friends of the Margaret King School Society
Dining Next to a Nobel Peace Prize
Feast: An Edible Road Trip
Peace and Compassion Institute
Pugwash History Blog by Sandy Butcher
Basic Spirit (Pewter from Pugwash)
Deanne Fitzpatrick
Sugar Moon Farm nova scotia
2014 VisitorsEngineers Visit LodgeVintage Cars VisitNon Profit Group Visits
Click on links
SEARCH: Type in name, event, or title of article in Search Space at top of right of website
This index (with live links) should help you find documents, photographs, or interviews of interest. It correlates with the menu at the top of the home page. At bottom of this page is detailed list of articles within each section.
NOTE - Still adding live links
Cyrus Eaton
Anne Kinder Eaton
Joseph Rotblat & Nobel Peace Prize
Bertrand Russell & Russell-Einstein Manifesto
1957 Pugwash Conference Proceedings and Participants
Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs - Articles & Activities
Strangest Dream & Documentaries
Thinkers Lodge, Lobster Factory, Staff House, Margaret King School
Hiroshima and Peace Movement
Nobel Peace Prize
Peace Movements - World
Pugwash Students Contribute to Thinkers Lodge & Peace Movement
Staff/Volunteers (1940s to 2016) Share Stories
Explore News Issues
Yuri Gagarin Visits Pugwash
For Educators
Nova Scotia Curriculum Outcomes
International Human Rights Principals
COMING: Sample Lesson plans
Peace Ground March
Students Interview People Significant to Thinkers Lodge
Students Build Wheelchair Ramp
Fire Fighters & Villagers Save Thinkers Lodge
Students Build Benches
Students Paint Gate House
2015 Prom
2014 Prom
C. Eaton Addresses Prom Students
Thinkers Lodge
Lobster House/Dining Hall
Empress Hotel Burns Cyrus Eaton builds park for Pugwash
Donald McKay Clipper Ship Builder
Jay O'Callahan Story Telling
Gathering of the Clans
Canada Day - 2015
Photographs celebrating Thinkers Lodge
Photographs of People Interviewed
Cyrus Eaton (born in Pugwash, industrialist hosted conferences at Thinkers Lodge)
photographs, biographical information, homes lived, articles written by Eaton, interviews
Anne Eaton (photographs, early years, writings, Sandy Butcher describes Anne's contributions)
Joseph Rotblat/Nobel Peace Prize
speeches, biography, interviews, resources, videos
Bertrand Russell
-1957 transcript of address to Pugwash Conference Attendees
Einstein-Russell Manifesto
link to Anne Eaton’s description of 1957 Conference
1957 Pugwash Conferences Proceeding and Conference Participants
(161 pages edited by Joseph Rotblat of proceedings and essays from 1957 conference)
Pugwash Conferences of Science and World Affairs
The Strangest Dream (90 min) on Joseph Rotblat, the history of nuclear weapons, survivors of Hiroshima, Cyrus Eaton, Einstein, and Russell by Eric Bednarski
Mike Wallace Interview with Cyrus Eaton
Link to Prophet from Pugwash on Cyrus Eaton
Anne Eaton Taped Observations of 1957 Conference
Pugwash President Jayantha Dhanapala
Thinkers Lodge
(photographs of Pineo Lodge transformation to B & B to Thinkers Lodge);
brief description, and unveiling of National Historic Site plaque
Restoration of Thinkers Lodge – A National Historic Site
Firefighters and Villagers Save Thinkers Lodge during fire of 1995
Architect Andrew Cobb
Rug Hookers Restore Damaged Rugs
Hooked Rugs at Thinkers Lodge: Deanne Fitzpatrick's rug
Lobster Factory/Dining Hall
Transformation: photographs & transformation history
from 1922 Frank Allan Lobster Factory to Pagweak Tearoom to Dining Hall (aka Lobster Factory)
Transformation of Empress Hotel to Eaton Park after Great Fires
Empress Hotel/Eaton Park
Margaret King School (1928-1929)
High School Built by Cyrus Eaton and designed by Andrew Cobb; interview with students who attended
Nobel Peace Prize
Peace Movements World
Dawn of the Peace Movement by Yoshifumi Fukushima (1995)
Recounting atomic bombing of Hiroshima & First Pugwash Conference in 1957 and Dr. Ogawa’s focus on radiation and nuclear disarmament & connection to Einstein
John Hershey's Hiroshima
Mayors for Peace
Dr. Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, on "Nuclear-Free World from the Cities" July 7, 2007
Pugwash Students Contribute to Thinkers Lodge and World Peace
Pugwash Students
Peace Park, Prom, Cedar Benches, Ramp to Lobster Factory, Gate House Painting
Interviews conducted by students
STAFF: Oral History Interview Project -
Interviews with wait staff, chefs, drivers, firefighters, Thinkers Lodge managers, people who billeted attendees
Interview Links -- People Who Worked at Lodge or Contributed - See Staff Below
Explore News Events Related to Thinkers Lodge & Peace – to be ADDED
Recent Articles and Speeches
Nagasaki - Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs - conference overview
How Will the Next Generation Change Disarmament - Poul-Erik Christiansen
Sandy Boucher "External Threats to Humanity"
50th Anniversary Pugwash Meeting
Mayors for Peace Vision
Yuri Gagarin
Russian cosmonaut visits Pugwash after circling globe)- photographs and visit
Donald McKay/Clipper Ships (photographs and summary of his shipbuilding career)
Family Connection with Cyrus; biography)
Cyrus Eaton
See also Anne Eaton (Cyrus' wife) _
Charles Aubrey Eaton (Cyrus's uncle)_
Eva Webb (Cyrus's sister who resided in Pugwash)
Florence Eaton (Cyrus's Sister)
Joseph Wilfred Eaton (Cyrus's younger brother)
Pugwash 1968 Eaton Family Reunion - Descendants of Stephen & Mary Eaton
Photographs (Formal & Informal Photographs of Cyrus Eaton)
Eaton Homes (Photographs & Commentary)
Anne Eaton writes about Cyrus Eaton’s Early Years and her own early years
Back to Pugwash by Patrick Boyer (2003) - a history of Cyrus Eaton, Pugwash Conferences, Russell & Rotlat
Beautiful upon the Mountains: A Portrait of Cyrus Eaton by M. Allen Gibson
The Boy from Pugwash: An Unpublished Biography of Cyrus Eaton by Fred Knelman (1962): 11 chapters covering early years, the rise of a business tycoon, his interactions with communist leaders, and especially his enduring relationship w/ Pugwash & the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.
Biography of Cyrus Eaton from Western Reserve Historical Society by Betty Royan
Introduction to Biography Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton (1883-1979) by John Barden For the American Philosophical Association
Introduction to Biography Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton as a Lad by Margaret Eaton
Cyrus Eaton's Childhood by Quintin Merlin
Cyrus Eaton Biography in Who's News and Why Current Biography, July 1948
John Eaton on Cyrus Eaton
John Eaton A Place to Think: Preserving Thinkers Lodge for the Future by Carol Moreira,
Nova Scotia Open to The World, Autumn 2011
Cathy Eaton on Cyrus Eaton and Nova Scotia
The World of Cyrus Eaton by Marcus Gleisser (Foreword by Louis Stokes), 2005,
Kent State Press (an unauthorized biography of Cyrus Eaton)
Interview: Mike Wallace Interviews Cyrus Eaton
The Prophet from Pugwash -- a documentary about Cyrus Eaton- by CBC
The Strangest Dream by Eric Bednarski is the story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the
Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a
decision based on moral grounds. (90 minute
Magazine Articles, Addresses and Papers by Cyrus Eaton
Address of Cyrus Eaton to Third Pugwash Conference, Vienna, Austria, Sept 20, 1958
Address of Cyrus to Second Pugwash Conference, Lac BeauPort, Canada
Canada's Choice: Leadership or Annihilation? by Cyrus Eaton, Annual Dinner Meeting of The Canadian
Manufacturers' Association, June 9, 1959
A Capitalist Looks At Labor by Cyrus Eaton, April 1, 1947, University of Chicago Law Review
Chesapeak and Ohio Railroad Shareholder Address by Cyrus Eaton, April 22, 1958
(discusses need to stop investing in weapons of defense)
Cleveland's Fundamental Position in the American Business Scene by Cyrus Eaton The Clevelander,
March 1954
Cyrus Eaton Calls on U.S. to End Its Boycott of Cuba by Cyrus Eaton,
Los Angeles Times, February 21, 1974
Disarmament and Societ-American Relations by Cyrus Eaton, 1961, Internatinal Affairs Magazine,
Do We Really Want World War III -- The War That Will End the World Address by Cyrus Eaton
The City Club of Cleveland, December 13, 1958
The Engineer as Philosopher and Citizen - Lecture by Cyrus Eaton at Massachusetts Institue of Technology
Lecture Series, Kresge's Auditorium, Cambridge, MA, November 16, 1961
Final Impressions and Conclusions of a Long and busy Life by Cyrus Eaton at Meeting of Friends of
McMaster Alumni Association, April 13, 1972
Financial Democracy by Cyrus Eaton, February 1941, University of Chicago Law Review
Fission, Fusion, and Sputnik: Time for a New Look at International Relations- Address by Cyrus Eaton,
Meeting of the Canadian Club of Montreal, Feb 10, 1958
Greetings from Eaton to Soviet Deputy Premier Mikoyan, 1959
An Industrialist Looks at Communism by Cyrus Eaton (his impressions of USSR after visiting) 1959
Investment Banking -- Competition, or Decadence by Cyrus Eaton, Feb 2, 1944, Financial World
Is the Globe Big Enough for Both Capitalism and Communism? by Cyrus Eaton, Nov 24, 1958,
The Economic Club of Detroit
Is the GLobe Big Enough for Capitalism & Communism by Cyrus Eaton printed in The commercial & Financial
Chronicle, Dec 4, 1958
A Lay Critique Looks at the Press in the Nuclear Age, Address of Cyrus Eaton at Presentation of Bowater
Awards of Journalism, Rideau Club, Ottawa, Canada, Oct 21, 1960 - Eaton chastises the American press
for biased converage and urges them to play a role to lead the way from nucler disaster to richer
matierial and spiritual life. He suggests volunteers of community members to serve as press critiques.
Let's Meet the Soviets Half-Way by Cyrus S. Eaton, 1957 The Herald Tribune, also published in book
called Can We Meet the Russians Halfway by Chaimers M. Roberts, 1958, Doubleday (pages 91-94)
My Life Is A Failure - "Promoting Peace but Finding World In Struggle to Destroy Itself, May 24, 1965
by Cyrus Eaton, Economic Club of Detroit at Cobo Hall, Michigan - A Discouraged Report on Recent Trips
and Increased Tension Between East & West (related to Vietnam, Russia, China, USA and Europe) alll
countries against US involvement in Vietnam and not understanding why US won't trade with them.
A New Plan to Re-Open the US Capital Market by Cyrus Eaton, Finance Magazine, January 25, 1945
The Physican as Philosopher and Citizen, Address by Cyrus Eaton, at 50th Annual Banquet of Hippocratic
Society, University of Western Ontario, London,Ontario, Canada, January 13, 1961
(Eaton Challenged the physicians to save mankind from nuclear annihilation)
The Professor Talks to Himself by Cyrus Eaton The Antioch Review 1942
Progress in Cuba, Letter to the Editor from Cyrus Eaton, The New York Times, January 27, 1976
Rockefeller and Harper: Recollections and Reflections by Cyrus Eaton at the University of Chicago Board of
Trustees Meeting (July 11, 1973)
Summary of Address of Cyrus Eaton at the 50th Annual Banquet of Hippocratic Society
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, Jan 13, 1961 (Eaton Challenged the physicians to save
mankind from nuclear annihilation)
Time for a New Look at International Relations by Cyrus Eaton, The Commericial and Financial Chronicle,
Feb 20, 1958 (Address before Canadian Club) Eaton claims "the moral chain reaction touched off by the
Pugwash manifesto may affect the future of mankind as profoundly as the famous first nuclear chain
reaction. He urges Canada to play role in bringing accord between the Russia & US in their cold war
escalation of arms & competition.
Saturday Evening Post 1940 article submitted by Cyrus Eaton (rejected) -Eaton laments the centralization
of banks and insurance power on Wall Street and advocates for a decentralized approach.
We Give the Kids too Much by Cyrus Eaton December 1950 in The American
Magazine Articles about Cyrus Eaton
A Blow For Peace, The Ottawa Citizen, Dec 29, 1958 (Cyrus Eaton 75th birthday)
A Day with Squire Eaton, (No Dude Farmer), The Plain Dealer, November 4, 1972
An Old Advocate by Bruce West, The Globe and Mail, June 26, 1973
Anti-Red Probers Take on a Capitalist by Hal Levy, Newsday Long Island, May 28, 1958
(The House un-American Activities Committee takes on Cyrus Eaton)
The Battle of Cleveland, Forbes Magazine, April 15, 1967 (battle between Eaton and Cleveland Trust Co)
Capitalist & Commissar, Time Magazine, Sept 15, 1958
(Visit to Moscow)
Carl Stokes Writes about Cyrus Eaton
Communists’ Capitalist by E. J. Kahn, Jr. New Yorker Magazine Oct 10 & 17, 1977
Cyrus Eaton 1883-1979 by John Palanyi, University of Toronto, October 1979, The Bulletin of American
Scientists 7
Cyrus Eaton and Acadia, The Shorthorn World, August 15, 1969
Cyrus Eaton Sees Great Challenge to Mankind by Cyrus Eaton Detroit Times, Jan 19, 1958
(Our biggest challenge is to learn to live with one another in a climate of honorable peace)
Cyrus (and his millions) v Edgar (and his G-men) News Chronicle, London, Eng, June 18, 1958
Cyrus Eaton Assumes C&O Chairmanship, Tracks, February-March 1954
Cyrus Eaton at 75 Takes Up Mantle of Peace-Maker by J.A. Hume, Citizen, Dec. 1957
Cyrus Eaton: The Communists' Best Capitalist Friend by Connecticut Walker, December 5, 1971 in
Parade,Oakland Tribune
Cyrus Eaton gifts Pugwash Junction $10,000 for school in 1928
Cyrus Eaton-The Bouncing Billionaire by Booton Herndon in True The Man's Magazine, 1958
Cyrus Eaton: The Communists' Best Capitalist Friend by Connecticut Walker, December 5, 1971 in
Parade, Oakland Tribune
Cyrus Eaton's Hideaway for Brains by Ian Sclanders in Maclean's, Caanada's National Magazine,
October 27, 1956
Cyrus Eaton Suggests It--Rapport With Cuba, Chicago Sun-Times, January 13, 1969
Cyrus Stephen Eaton to be Doctor of Laws, 1968
"Eaton urges the need to trade not fight with the Communists."
The Diplomatic Capitalist by Jay Miller in Cleveland 1796-1996
Eaton , at 95, Backs China Trade, The New York Times, December 28, 1978
Eaton, Capitalist Peacemonger by Richard H. Smith, The Milwaukee Journal, May 25, 1958
(Push to avoid destroying the world with nuclear bombs, US becoming police state & peace conf)
Eaton Visits Castro, Accepts Bid to Cuba, The Cleveland Press, Sept 28, 1960
Eaton: Castro Wants Better US Ties by Edward A. O'Neill, The Washington Post, February 12, 1974
Eaton Is Empire Builder by Al Ostrow & Bill Tanner, The Cleveland Press, Feb 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26,
1955 (only have cover page. Need to search for articles)
Eaton Says US-Cuba Ties Could Be Resumed Soon by H. J. Maidenberg, NY Times, Feb 12, 1974
Editorial analysis by Julian Krawcheck on public change in reaction to Cyrus Eaton's message of neccesity to
find common grounds with USSR and not destroy the world, Dec 16, 1958
Eighty-Four Years for Cleveland's Cyrus Eaton, The Clevelander, December 1967
Embattled Individualist, Fortune Magazine, July 1958
Ike, Khrush Urged to End War Threat, The Cincinnati Post and Times Star, October 31, 1958
("Exchange Visits, Not Letters, Eaton Pleads)
Industrialist Cyrus Eaton Is Farmer First by Marc D. Gleisser, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1961
Khrushchev’s Favorite Capitalist by Jay Miller
Kosygin Daughter Visits Eaton Northfield Farmby George J. Barmann, The Plain Dealer,
September 14, 1970
Loved and Hated: Eaton: One-Man Sage of Changing Fortunes in Business and Politics by Robert G.
McGruder, The Plain Dealer, January 1, 1977
The Man in the Tower by George E. Condon
The Man in the Tower, part two by George E. Condon
Military Spending Perils U.S. Finances, Eaton Warns Nixon by Dick Pergler, Cleveland press,
November 14, 1969
The Great Dipper (Personna Grata), Saturday Night, December 10, 1955
(Portrait of Cyrus Eaton and exploration of his business accomplishments and successes)
Peace Begins in Pugwash by Margaret Eaton ( a brief look at Cyrus Eaton, the Pugwash movement and
several poems by Margaret Eaton)
Reverard Cyus Eaton becomes pastor at Lakewood Baptist Church, 1906 (in The Lakewood Ledger)
Right to Criticize Reprisal: Fight Against U.S. Senators by Max Freedman, the Manchester Guardian,
May 22,1958 (Eaton criticizes Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Strange Passages Time Magazine, 1930 Time Magazine Cover, 1930
A Visit with Cyrus Eaton (The Private Life of a Controversial Tycoon), October 8, 1966 in Star Weekly
What It's Like When the Krushchevs Say 'Come to Tea" by Jean Campbell, The Evening STandard,
Dec 8, 1960
When Kosygin Dropped In by L. D. Wicker, The Atlantic-Advocate, August 1967
(Eaton meets Kosygin in Newfoundland)
The Whiphand of Cyrus Eaton in Finance, April, 1966, (A look at wealth, mergers, power, and
unfavorable/favorable public opinions. Note cover photograph of Eaton is by Yousuf Karsh
Cyrus Eaton Awarded Lenin Peace Prize in Pugwash
Lenin Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
Nikita Khrushchev and Cyrus Eaton
Address of Cyrus Eaton at Luncheon Honoring Nikita S. Khrushchev, New York 1960
Address by the Honorable Cyrus Eaton, Chamber of Commerce Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri
Nov 5, 1958 -- Eaton recounts visit to Russia, meeting Khruschev, and visiting industries, Khruschev is in
sympathy with findings of Pugwash conferences He describes Khrushchev as advocate for peace.
Letter to Cyrus from Pugwash Community -1957
Ruth Murray Rushton Remembers Cyrus Eaton
"All We Want Is the Truth as We See It," by Herb Lock, The Washington Post, June 16, 1958
"It's Okay to Criticize eisenhower, Nixon, Dulles etc but NOT J. Edgar Hover," The Providence Journal,
May 23, 1958
Articles and Statements by Cyrus Eaton listed chronologically
Note: This list was filed in Cyrus Eaton Papers and not all articles or statements are available on this website. However, it gives a researcher names and dates of where to look in the papers to locate the material. CLE
ANNE EATON (1922-1992)
Photographs: Early Years
Photographs: Later Years
Anne Eaton on 1957 Pugwash Conference –letter to her father Judge Kinder
describing the participants’ arrival, thawing, and establishing trust
“Women of the First Pugwash Conference” by Sandy Boucher (Role of Anne Eaton & Ruth Adams)
“Czechs Celebrate Liberation From Nazis
“Did Woodrow Wilson Help Ho?” (2 pages)
Letter to Her Father About Seeing Neurological Specialists in Bulgaria
“Munich 1977” (Discussing Pugwash Conference)
“Political Humor Saves Hungarians”
“Soviets Contrast LBJ, FDR Views” 1965 (2 pages)
Anne Eaton’s Commencement Address - Hathaway Brown School
(1970) (8 pages)
JOSEPH ROTBLAT (1908-2005)
1995 Nobel Lecture – “Remember Your Humanity” Joseph Rotblat Nobel
Peace Prize:
Joseph Rotblat telling his life story to Katherine Thompson (AUDIO)
First of 40 audio oral history recordings made by the British Library.
These 1999-2000 recordings feature, the interviewer. As Rotblat never wrote an autobiography, this is an invaluable resource for anyone researching Rotblat’s life and the history of Pugwash. Links to the rest of recordings in series are provided.
“Dear Professor” (VIDEO) includes quotes from Joseph Rotblat interspersed with
young people from around the world reading the Russell-Einstein Manifesto
“The Elimination of War a Necessity for Humankind” (VIDEO LECTURE)– Joseph
Rotblat at Taplow Court, 1997 (72 minutes) Obligation to contain threat of nuclear
destruction, seek peace, and eliminate war
Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash and Nuclear Weapons YouTube (4 minutes) –
Joseph Rotblat Shares “Steps to a Safer World” YouTube The Strangest Dream –
Trailer (2 minutes)
Joseph Rotblat AUDIO– Voices of Science, British Library – excerpt – on his reasons
for working on the atom bomb
Thinking Beyond Nuclear Weapons - Interview with Joseph Rotblat at the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue - 1997
Vega Science Trust interview (video) with ex-BBC Horizon producer Edward
Goldwyn and scientist and Nobel Laureate Harry Kroto (2002)
“Jo Rotblat: Pragmatic Dreamer,” presentation by Sandra Ionno Butcher, director, Pugwash History Project, to British Pugwash, 8 February 2012.
“Joseph Rotblat: The Road Less Traveled” by Susan Landau, Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists 52, no. 1 (January/February 1996), pp 46-54.
Joseph Rotblat: Visionary for Peace edited by R. Braun, R. Hinde, D. Krieger, H. Kroto,
S. Milne. (Wiley, 2007) Contributions from many Pugwashites Around the World.
Joseph Rotblat – Voices of Science, British Library – AUDIO excerpt – on his
reasons for working on the atom bomb
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The Life and Work of Joseph Rotblat by Andrew
Brown Oxford University Press, 2012.
“Open letter to my son on the death of Joseph Rotblat,” by Sandra Ionno Butcher, Director, Pugwash History Project, 5 September 2005.
Obituary Joseph Rotblat (The Guardian, Sept 2, 2005)
The Strangest Dream, a 90-minute documentary (available to view online) about Jo Rotblat from the National Film Board of Canada (2008), directed by Eric Bednarski.
Q & A session about Strangest Dream)
Rotblat Timeline - Powerpoint by Sandy Butcher
Online collection of over one hundred books and articles by Bertrand Russell.
For a complete list of Russell’s books and articles see our online Russell bibliography. For a chronology of his life, go here, and for an introduction to his analytic philosophy go here.
Bertrand Russell Resources Available Online
Bertrand Russell Chronology -
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Russell Einstein Manifesto - text
Press Release of Einstein-Russell Manisfesto - 15 minutes also with slide show and cartoons
Origins of the Russell-Einstein Manfesto by Sandy Butcher (2005)
__Revisiting the Russell-Einstein Manifesto: Prescription for Our Future by Sandy Butcher, March 2014 -
Bertrand Russell -1957 transcript of address to Pugwash Conference Attendees & link to Anne Eaton’s description of conference - a statement by Bertrand Russell, is transcribed from a tape prepared by him for the first Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, July 7-10, 1957. In this message, Russell, whose age and frail health prevented him from undertaking the journey to Pugwash, outlined to the conferees the background of the manifesto, issued by him, Einstein and nine other world-renowned scientists, which had led to the Pugwash meeting. He also sets forth, with the clarity and wit typical of Russell, his hopes and expectations for their work and for what was eventually to become known as the Pugwash Movement.
Bertrand Russell - 8 minute Broadcast from London BBC opening the 1957 Pugwash Conference: Good accompanying slideshow
Read Bertrand Russell’s press conference - 1957 - address to Scientists Attending Pugwash Conference
Bertrand Russell Message to the Future (two minutes Youtube)
Bertrand Russell Man’s Future and Philosophy, Coronet Films with Woodrow Wyatt, 1960
Bertrand Russell – Ban the Bomb Rally – YouTube - 22 seconds
Death of Bertrand Russell News Report – Morley Safer Feb 3, 1970
Paul McCartney on Meeting Bertrand Russell and his influence on John Lennon
Bertrand Russell - Face to Face Interview (BBC, 1959)
Will There Be a Next Generation in the Fight for Nuclear Nonproliferation” by Poul-Eric Christiansen, July 2015
Proceedings of 1957 Science & World Affairs in Pugwash on Nuclear Disarmament
Origins of Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Rusell-Einstein Manifesto
Brief biographies & photographs of 11 signers of Russell-Einstein Manifesto 1955 and of 22 scientists attending 1957 Conference as well as Cyrus Eaton.
Part One
July 7 - 12, 1957: Published in 1982 on 25th anniversary and edited by Joseph Rotblat
Preface by Joseph Rotblat (p. iii)
Table of Contents (p. v & vi)
Invitation to the Conference (p. )
Letter from Cyrus Eaton (p. 2)
Letter from Bertrand Russell to Joseph Rotblat (pp. 5 - 8)
Draft Letter to Attendees (p. 9-10)
The Participants (pp. 11-13)
The Venue (p. 19)
The Programme (pp. 21-22)
Draft Agenda (pp. 23-25)
1957 Pre-conference Session - July 6th afternoon
Historical account of 1945 and decision to use atom bomb on Japanese cities
Szilard describes his WW II experiences
Szilard proposes questions to be answered during conference
Conference Papers from Committee One - Part One
Nuclear Energy Hazards in War and Peace by Joseph Rotblat (p. 66)
Somatic Hazards from Medical & Other Uses of Radiation by A.M.B. Lacassagne (p. 78)
Potential Hazards of Radiation by H. J. Muller (p. 82)
Conference Papers from Committee One - Part Two
Cont Mueller's Paper on Hazards of Radiation
The Danger of Nuclear Tests for Humanity by A. M Kuzin (p. 88)
Discussion of Radiation Hazards by the Advisotyr Panel to the US Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy by W. Selove (p. 95)
Radiation Studies in Japan by S. Tomonaga (p. 105)
Conference Papers from Committee Two
About Disarmament by E. Rabinowitch (p. 108)
Some Remarks on Nuclear Weapons by M. L. E. Oliphant (p. 118)
Steps to Disarmament by D. V. Skobeltzyn (p. 122)
The Psychological Background by G. Brock Chisholm (p. 125)
Comment on Bomb Tests by J. S. Foster (p. 133)
Conference Papers from Committee Three
The Significance of Our Times and the Social Responsibility of Scientists by C. F. Powell (p. 137)
Proposals Submitted to the Pugwash Conference by E. Rabinowitch (p. 147)
Proposal for the Establishment of an International Centre of Scientists Concerned with the Impact of Science on Public Affairs (p. 147)
Draft Statement of Principles (p. 149)
Draft of an Appeal (p. 152)
Points for a Short document on the Responsibilities of Scientists and the Public (p. 154) drafted by J. Bronwski
The Responsibilities of Scientists byChou Pei-Yuan (p. 156)
The Responsbilitiy of Scientists by H. Thirring (p. 159)
Proclamation of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto Peace Conference by Earl Russell July 9th, 1955 (p. 163)
Back to Pugwash 45 years - Patrick Boyer describes history of the global movement at 53rd World Conference and recounts the beginning in July 1957 and traces its history.
Taking a stand: Exploring the role of the scientist prior to the first PugwashConference on Science and World Affairs, 1957 Article © Sylvia Marie Nickerson, [email protected] for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto Publication forthcoming in 2013 in Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine - CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
Ruth Adams
What Pugwash Means to the World by Sandy Butcher
Back to Pugwash by Patrick Boyer -2003 (Eaton, Conferences, Russell, & Rotblat)
Sandy Butcher "External Threat to Humanity"
Paolo Cotta-Ramusino Pugwash Secretary General Delivers Address in Nagasaki at 70th Anniversary of Dropping of the Nuclear Bomb.
Poul-Erik Christiansen “How Will the Next Generation Champion Disarmament?”
Emma Hansen "From nuclear bombs to killer robots: how amoral technologies become immoral weapons"
53rd Pugwash Conference (Halifax & Pugwash) July 2, 2003 (Summary, Working Reports, and Pugwash Council Statement)
53rd Pugwash Conference in Pugwash Newsletter December 2003
Pugwash Conference Returns to Its Nova Scotia Roots by John Demont,10/15/13 Maclean's
The Peaceable Gypsies by Daniel Lang” December 21, 1963 The New Yorker
Pugwash Conference held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia and the gathering of brilliant scientists and scholars "who were temporarily abandoning their formal studies ... to convene as a kind of parliament with portfolio." The delegates focused on "such topics as atom-free zones, the test-ban treaty, problems of detection, the abolition of delivery systems, and -- the most formidable topic of all -- general and complete disarmament."
Peace and the Scientist by Hans A. Bethe, The Atlantic, August 1960
(The case for ending nuclear tests)
Anne Eaton recorded her impressions of the nuclear scientists who participated in the first Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. At the time Cyrus Eaton was courting her, and they married six months later.
Bertrand Russell address 1957 Pugwash Conference participants from London – slideshow
Mike Wallace Interview with Cyrus Eaton
2014 PeaceMakeHers Workshop on deck of Lobster Factory
Peace and Compassion Institute July/August 2013 youtube
St. Mary Summer's Peace Institue, July 2013 youtube
Thinkers Lodge Peace Institute July 2012 youtube
Thinkers Lodge Peace Institute August 2012 youtube
The Prophet from Pugwash -- a documentary about Cyrus Eaton
Pugwash President Amb. Jayantha Dhanapala promotes the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
The Strangest Dream by Eric Bednarski (90 minutes)
The story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a decision based on moral grounds. The film retraces the history of nuclear weapons, from the first test in New Mexico, to Hiroshima, where we see survivors of the first atomic attack. Branded a traitor and spy, Rotblat went from designing atomic bombs to researching the medical uses of radiation. Together with Bertrand Russell he helped create the modern peace movement, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize
Thinkers Lodge: photographs of Pineo Lodge transformation to B & B to Thinkers Lodge); brief
description, and unveiling of National Historic Site plaque
Photographs 1929 to current
History & Restoration
Richard – painting Thinkers Lodge (2013)
Gary Field – worked on Creda to restore Thinkers Lodge
Andrew Cobb: the architect
'96 Fire: Fire at Thinkers Lodge (Aug 3, 1996) images and stories by firefighters Robert Messenger, Wayne Smith, and Lisa Betts (short audio with L. Betts)
Hooked Rugs Featured in Thinkers Lodge
Deanne Fitzpatrick's "The Three Sisters"
Local Rug Hookers Restore Stair Runners after Thinkers Lodge FireHooked Rugs and World Peace – in Rug Hooking (june/July/Aug 1998) by Sarah Ladd
Rug Hookers – photographs of rugs in the Great Room at Thinkers Lodge
Transformation of Lobster Factory to Dining Hall
Photographs 2010
Frank Allan: Builds Lobster Factory 1922-1929
Pagweak Tea Room 1929
Historic Sibley Tables & Chairs (description of furniture in Lobster Factory and the family who made them)
1980s- Music Venue & Coffee House
Storm Damage 2004
Students Build Ramp for Lobster Factory
Student Donate Cedar Benches to Lobster Factory
Winter 2015 Snow
Thelma Coburn recounts the building and destruction by fire of the Empress Hotel on land that is now Cyrus Eaton park; the story of her family persevering and capturing the spirit of hard-working entrepreneurs
Transformation from Empress Hotel to Cyrus Eaton Park
Photographs 1929 to Present
Pugwash Students Peace Ground Project
The Gate House (AKA the Staff House)
Students help paint The Gate House
Cyrus Eaton built Margaret King School in 1929.
Pat Higgins remembers attending Margaret King School.
Margaret King Web Page
Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima
Obama at Hiroshima
Mayors for Peace Vision
Einstein and the Bomb: an overview of the creation of the bomb, the dropping of the bomb, the quest for nuclear disarmament
Hiroshima Bombing Photo Essay (disturbing images)
Introduction to Testimony of Atomic Bomb Survivor - Takahashi
Ground Zero 1945 A Survivor's Story (Hiroshima) Graphic Novel (disturbing images)
Ground Zero 1949 Pictures by Atomic Survivors by John W. Dower INTROHellfire
Wings of Defeat: Documentary about Kamikaze Pilots -order info
Dawn of the Peace Movement - click to read rest of article In the decade following the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, memories of the catastrophe were still fresh in people’s minds. For two-thirds of this period, Japan was under U.S.-led occupation. As a result of the oppression engendered by the occupation, with its deft decrees, the peace movement in Japan arose, led mainly by labor organizations. It was a time of bitter struggle, hardly the dawn of a peace movement. Still, even in those early days, voices in the A-bombed city of Hiroshima did more than utter wishes and prayers, they spoke out against the atomic bombing. This history, which served as a prologue for the subsequent campaigns against A- and H-bombs, should not be forgotten.
Hiroshima by John Hershey in The New Yorker
Mayors for Peace - led by the Mayor of Hiroshima, Mayors around the World United to Promote a Nuclear Free World
50th Anniversary: Pugwash Peace Movement
Dr. Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, on "Nuclear-Free World from the Cities" July 7, 2007
Embattled Cooperation(s): Peaceful Atoms, Pacifist Physicists, and Partisans of Peace in the Early Cold War (1947-1957)
The “Göttingen Manifesto” (German Anti-Nuclear Movement)
Interviews students conducted with people connected to Pugwash Conferences & Thinkers Lodge.
Peace Ground Project
Peace Ground Photos
Peace Ground Speeches
Letter from Secretariat General of Pugwash Conferences
Noreen Gormelly describes collaboration of students and Community in Bloom
Cedar Benches constructed and donated by Pugwash Students
handicapped accessible ramp built by the Pugwash students to the Lobster Factory.
Pugwash Proms: 2014, 2015, and 2016 at lobster Factory
2016 & 2015 & 2014 Interns and Volunteers
Interview Links -- People Who Worked at Thinkers Lodge or Contributed to Lodge
Richard Dittami
Margaret Atwood Pagweak Staff:
Hester Allan & Beryl Adam
Lisa Betts
Sandy Boucher
Paolo Brenciglia
Giovanni Brenciglia
Andrew Brown
Sheila Piers Cambell
Thelma Colburne
Greta Dow
Cathy Eaton
Cathy Eaton prom
John Eaton
John Eaton, 2
Gary Field
Deanne Fitzpatrick
Ralph Fullerton
Vivian Godfree
Noreen Gormally Smiley
Alwin Hillhouse
Donnie Jamieson
Mary Jamieson
Glenda Kent
Glenda Kent 2
Teresa Kewachuk
Sarah Ladd
Roland Cornelius Lockhart
Victor Matheson
Robert Messenger
Gary Mundle
Ruth Murray Ruston
Mabel Schnare
Herb Smith
Terry Smith
Terry Smith 2
Virginia Smith
Wayne Smith
Norma Smith Wrigley
Story Tellers Appreciations of Jay O’Callahan Story-Telling FestivalMaggie Thomas and Charlie Robertson: Mystery SolvedYuri Gagarin (Russian cosmonaut visits Pugwash after circling globe)- photographs and visitFlowers for Gagarin – memories of Gargarin by Sheila Piers Campbell
Donald McKay/Clipper Ships (photographs and summary of his ship building career)
McKay Eaton ConnectionDonald McKay Biography
Gathering of the Clans – 2015- description and photographs
Friends (Websites and brief info)Cathy Eaton Fiction Website
Curse of Pirate Treasure by Cathy Eaton – young adult novel set in Nova Scotia
Snags and Spill by Cathy Eaton: collection of short stories
The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs is pleased to launch its new website
Thinkers Lodge Website, Pugwash, Nova Scotia
Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio
Susan Tooke illustrated B Is For Bluenose
Richard Rudnicki illustrated, wrote and published a children's book Cyrus Eaton: Champion for Peace
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The life and work of Joseph Rotblat by Andrew Brown
Louise Cloutier offers art instruction, workshops, and art socials in the community of Pugwash
Wild Caraway Restaurant in Advocate Harbour
Margaret King School Photo Gallery
Friends of the Margaret King School Society
Dining Next to a Nobel Peace Prize
Feast: An Edible Road Trip
Peace and Compassion Institute
Pugwash History Blog by Sandy Butcher
Basic Spirit (Pewter from Pugwash)
Deanne Fitzpatrick
Sugar Moon Farm nova scotia
2014 VisitorsEngineers Visit LodgeVintage Cars VisitNon Profit Group Visits