Some of the information is based on Sandra Butcher’s “What Pugwash Means to the World” when she explains how Pugwash Conferences provided avenues of back channel diplomacy which lay groundwork for negotiations to help end Vietnam war and helped lay the groundwork for a series of treaties and conventions. See below for partial list.
- Bring together scientists from both sides of Iron Curtain
- Partial Test Ban Treaty: 1963
- Non-Proliferation Treaty 1968/1970
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 1972
- Biological Weapons Convention 1972
- Chemical Weapons Conventions 1993
- Arms Control Treaty - 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty 9.
- Soviet-American Disarmament Study Group with Paul Doty
- 1984 Study Group Non-Defensive Defenses – Nonprovocative methods, removing US nuclear weapons from Western Europe