Link to Christina Martin's web page
sharing the stories of Alzheimer' patients and their care givers.
Download Cristina's song "A New Place to Call Home"
When it comes to illness and disease there is the tendency for us to focus on the breakdown and digression. When I did my Artist in Residency with Dr. Kenneth Rockwood, I was privileged to witness new and profound connections being made between people and within individuals. This was very inspiring. As well, within my own small but mighty community in Cumberland Country Nova Scotia I’ve seen how people build new connections and how it really does make a positive impact in the lives of people who need care, both for the individual living with dementia, and for caregivers. We must build new connections, strengthen our relationships, and never stop learning how to better care for each other. Dr. John Gray, retired English Physician and Geriatrician once told me when I asked him what he felt was an important message he had learned from his work, “You will never regret having cared for another human being”.
Christina Martin and Dale Murray were featured performers at Thinkers Lodge
in the summer of 2013