Bertrand Russell - Cyrus Eaton Correspondence and News Articles
1. Cyrus Eaton letter to Bertrand Russell welcoming him to lecture series at the University of Chicago, September 13, 1938
2. Appointment to Univ of Chicago and credentials of Bertrand Russell,Dr. Carnap, & Dr. Cohen, April 25, 1938
3. Eaton letter to Russell praising History of Western Philosophy. October 30, 1945, Handwritten response from Russell, December 7, 1945
4. NYT announcement of 9 scientists including Russell & Einstein urging war ban and warning on Nuclear Peril, July 10, 1955
5. Nine Noted Scientists Urge War Ban (Warning on Nuclear Peril Was Signed by Einstein, by Peter D. Whitney, New York Times, July 15, 1955 6. Texts of Appeal by Noted Scientists for Abolition of War and Senator Negative Response July 19, 1955
7. Eaton to Russell offering Pugwash as place for scientists to meet, July 13, 1955, Mentions that Julian Huxley is coming in summer and offers late August as time to come; Russell replies unable to come, July 25, 1955
8. Eaton sends another invitation to Russell for international Pugwash meeting, October 24, 1955 |
9. The H-Bomb Danger: An Analysis of Scientists’ Warning Finds It is Old and Omits Much by William L Laurence, July 10, 1955, The New York Times: gives early warnings of diabolical dangers of bombs to countries where it is bombed and to the users.
10. 6 Nobel Prize Winners Refused to Sign Appeal, the New York Times, July 10, 1955: Otto Hann, Max Born, Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli, Karl Manne Siergebahn, Lord Adrian, Dr.Nomi?, Dimitry Skolbelzyn, Alxander Haddow. Ignored by Arthur Compton, Harold Urey (Note some of them later supported nuclear disarmament)
11. Russell letter to 27 scientists, inviting them to participate in anti-nuclear conference in India that would parallel work being done at the UN with rational, August 29, 1956 from Wales followed by list of 27 scientists and their home country
12. Russell letter to Eaton asking if he help finance Anti-Nuclear conference in India, Sept 4, 1956; Eaton’s letter declining and saying he only wanted to help finance conference held in Pugwash.
13. “Stop Goading Russ, Red China, We Can’t Win – Cyrus Eaton by Robert Adams, Toronto Daily Star, Nov 15, 1956: Eaton advocates communist and democratic learn to get along. :”Let’s rely more on speakers, writers, artists, and musicians.” We should recognized Red China, a country of marvelous culture. OR else a third world war is likely.
14. Eaton to Russell: another invitation to host peace conference in Pugwash, Nov 20, 1956
15. Russell to Eaton, indicating interest in Pugwash hosted conference but wants to know if participants from Communist countries would want be welcomed. Asks what kind of assistance could Eaton provide. Nov 19, 1956
16. Eaton to Russell: offers food, facilities, clerical help, traveling expenses. Explains why Pugwash is good meeting spot. Mentions connections to Univ of Chicago and Case Institute of Technology who had vital role in nuclear developments. Dec 3, 1956
17. Eaton/Russell continued letters discussing privacy importance for scientists of diverse views and ideologies, sets dates, sends preliminary funds, and then provides names of invited scientists. Jan 15, 1957, Jan 21. 1957, Feb 8, 1957
18. Eaton/Russell continued letters firming up plans, travel arrangements, costs, worries of participants about travel, Russell’s illness preventing him from coming and reference to Pauling article: May 29, 1957, May 30, 1957, June 4, 1957, June 13, 1957, June 21, 9157 (handwritten), June 13, 1957
Rockwell Kent letter to Eaton with enclosed letter from Diego Rivera deploring the nuclear peril and those scientists who have not denounced nuclear war, July 14, 1957; June 25, 1957 (Diego Rivera, a memorable painter and muralists from Mexico who lived in Europe and US and painted for 50 years from 1907 to 1957) . Eaton sent copy of letter to Russell.